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Contact Niki Pleva

Dear lovely human being,


Thank you for visiting my webpage.


I used to have an automated questionnaire on this website but I struggled to receive the notifications. This caused some messages to be received out of the deadline and I am not a person to promise something and then not keep to my promises. A promise is a promise.


If you wish to contact me, please click here to drop me an email and I will respond to you within 24 hours. Please make the subject of the email clear - for example - "New message from Web: ARC reader required".



​Beta reading and ARC reading


Of course, I am mostly a writer of my WIP book series, "The Tales of the Gods", blogger and a creator of the "Afterlife Protectors". However, I am also a reader who is willing to take on Beta reading and ARC reading projects, if the short plot summary interests me enough. I say interests me enough because I don't want to take on a project and then not complete it. For example, I am interested in fantasy, romance and historical romance, therefore I will not be knowledgeable in true crime. 


If you are not too sure what the difference is between the two, I have recently published a blog post where I explain what the difference is between ARC reading and Beta reading. Click here to read the article.


Please note, I will be providing these services free of charge therefore please make sure you give me plenty of notice (approximately 3 months for Beta reading and 2 months for ARC reading)


Important information:


  • To request the beta and ARC reading, please state which one you require in the subject clearly. "New message from Web: ARC reader required" (for ARC reading) and "New message from Web: Beta reader required" (for beta reading).


  • Do not provide the manuscript in your initial email.


  • Write a short summary of your story, what genre it is and clearly state what it is you require from a Beta reader and/or an ARC reader. You also need to make sure to provide clear terms & Conditions.



You can contact me for anything and I will always respond to the best of my abilities. Even if you just need to talk about your struggles, I am always here and ready to listen. If you need additional support, you can always subscribe to newsletter and become an afterlife protector. Click here to find out more.





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