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Meet Stefania

Stefania is a soul gatherer and a part of Nav's Grim Reaper's battalion who takes care of gathering souls of the dying Zemjia mortals. Each interaction with souls, each fleeting moment, has woven a tapestry of emotions that both enriches and burdens her ancient spirit. Most of her existence, she spent her time alone, if you do not count the interactions with the dying mortals and her serpent companion shape-shifter.


516 years old immortal

Date of Birth:

9th July 1505 of Jahweh


1.74m (5.7 feet)

Residence at start of story:

Londonium in Zemjia,Vitajria

Personality traits:

Lonely, caring, stoic and melancholic.


Playing the piano, reading books and the craft of oil perfume making.

Shape-shifter companion:

Nazaria - King Cobra shape-shifter


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