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Author update part 1

Hello, my lovely readers,

I am going to avoid any mindless rambling and get straight to the point here. I have some exciting news for everyone who cares to listen.

After careful consideration, I have decided to take some bold steps to expand my presence in the literary world. I am not saying that it hasn't been done before but I am saying that I am ready for the challenge!

As of February 2024 (Yes, I am brave enough to make it 14th Feb), I will be launching a new author's YouTube channel for all aspiring authors and other literary lovers, where we can laugh together and I can educate you on my journey. In addition to that, I will begin to post my first book to the Wattpad platform in May 2024.

By embracing these platforms, I am not only adapting to the changing landscape of publishing but also embracing the opportunity to meet with readers and writers alike. And trust me, I am craving to meet new literary people.

Afterlife Protectors - The AuthorTube

I have an enormous, almost unnormal, passion for books and writing, and most probably, you have a passion for some bookish stuff too, otherwise, why would you be here? Therefore, I would like nothing more than to share my love for writing and the journey through many obstacles involved. With the Afterlife Protectors Author Tube which will launch on 14th February at 7:30 pm (GMT), I would like to inspire the diverse community of aspiring writers and book lovers alike, by sharing lessons from my journey and showing you that no one needs to be perfect to be a writer. No one needs to have that perfect writing table to be a writer. A small table in your living room is all it takes or even no table at all.

Why did I choose 14th February to launch?

It is simple. St Valentine's Day mostly signifies the day of romance and love. Yes, some of us have a significant other who we love with all our hearts. But books and for some, writing, have a special place in our hearts which cannot be accessed by anyone but fictional characters. That is the reason why I want to celebrate this love on this special day of the year. If you think this is weird, you may need to ask yourself a significant question; do I even like books enough?

This exciting decision marks a new chapter of my aspiring author's career and I want to continue to inspire and captivate readers and writers of this beautiful planet Earth.

Lonesome Souls launch to Wattpad

There are rumours that the Wattpad platform is not what it used to be when it first launched in 2006 but with more than 500 million users to date, it is a very diverse platform. Yes, there are some quite weird books and authors (that also depends on what it is you find weird) but you as a person, can choose what to read and what not to read. There are many clean books on Wattpad which are launched daily.

Whether you are already on Wattpad or do not mind signing up to read a clean high fantasy romance, I am inviting you to check it out on 1st May 2024 when I will be launching the first book of the Tales of the Soul series which I have been working on since 16 years old.

Why should you care, you ask?

Why should you, indeed, care with so many books being published each year and so little time for reading? Well, I leave that decision up to you.

Lonesome Souls

Tales of the Souls Vol. 1

Coming to Wattpad on 1st May 2024.

The world you are about to enter is not like ours. The tale you are about to enter is of souls condemned to war as old as our universe.

Stefania, a centuries-old soul gatherer, knows no life beyond her small house and the reaper's battalion. That is until she unleashes a dormant life seraph within her. With that, she is thrown into the rusty restraints of war and becomes the sole weapon against the creature of destruction. 

For her, love cannot exist but deep down in the darkest part of the soul, the purest of emotions blossoms.

Yet, for Stefania to save the mortals from extinction, she first has to die.

'Tell me, Amudilio, can you let her go?'

Amudilio could not.


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About Niki

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Niki Pleva

Author and Blogger

A fantasy author writing her debut novel while blogging about her passions and ideals.

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