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Series Structure planning template

I have researched the internet, crawled its deepest crevices (well, kind of) and discovered its lack in free series structure planning templates. If you are a planner, looking for a helpful template, or even a pantser who would like to try planning your series/novel, scroll down for more details and for an explanation of how to use the template. At the end of the blog post, you will find out how you can download the template for free.


I thought for a while, about what kind of software to use for this, but discovered the classic Microsoft Excel looks the tidiest in this scenario. And so, I proceeded to do a bit of research and used a bit of inspiration from other authors, until I came up with my own template. This can be amended to fit the expectations for where you want to take the plot. The template can, by all means, be used to plan a standalone novel also. I will leave that to your never-ending imagination. 😉

As an example to explain how you can use the template, I have used the 1st Hunger Games book as I do like how Suzanne Collins structured her novels.

I have divided the template into 3 parts: Main plot summary, Subplot summary and detailed chapter-by-chapter plan. The document is also split into different sheets for different books in the series, The Hunger Games example and if your wish is to write your series using the interlacing structure, a template for that is also included. The meaning of an interlacing structure series will be explained further below.

Now let's talk about the actual template.

Main Plot Summary

As you can see in the above screenshot, the table is split into different parts. I will proceed to fill in the blanks using The Hunger Games as an example.

  • Inciting Incident - Katniss volunteers herself for the Hunger Games.

  • 1st plot point or crisis - Katniss receives a score of 11.

  • The protagonist's reaction - As a result, Katniss is a guaranteed tribute. declares his love for Katniss at one of the television interviews with Caesar.

  • Main(2nd) crisis / Plot twist - Katniss escapes from Career tributes after Peeta saves her.

  • The protagonist's reaction - Katniss makes an alliance with Rue to take down the Career tributes.

  • 3rd plot twist / Crisis - Peeta’s injury leads to blood poisoning.

  • The protagonist's reaction - Katniss risks everything to get medicine for Peeta, however, ends up passing out from her own injuries at the end of the chapter.

  • Climax - Katniss and Peeta pretend to eat the poisonous berries, which leads to President Snow stopping them by declaring them both winners.

  • Resolution - Katniss and Peeta finally get to go home.

  • Hook for the next book - There are several foreshadowing of the upcoming danger throughout the last chapter.

Subplot Plot Summary

As in the previous table, this is also split into different parts (subplots and the protagonist's reactions). I will once again use the hunger games to fill in the blanks. I have not used all the columns and by all means, there do not need to be 5 subplots. There can be more and there can be less, it is all up to you and what your imagination desires.

  • 1st subplot - Katniss takes her first step towards winning the Games in the parade of tributes. Her fiery dress and attitude win over the crowd.

  • The Protagonist's reaction - Katniss discusses the success of the parade with Haymitch. She also reflects on her past and the difficulty of rebellion.

  • 2nd subplot - Katniss travels through the arena looking for water, and while she is still in an intense environment, she still has a bit of a break.

  • The protagonist's reaction - After realising Peeta has teamed up with her enemies, Katniss reflects on their relationship and compares this Peeta to the person she was friends with.

  • 3rd subplot - Katniss blows up the Career’s food supply, but before she and Rue can celebrate, Rue is attacked by another tribute.

  • The protagonist's reaction - Rue dies and Katniss promises to win for her.

  • 4th subplot - Peeta and Katniss realise how close they are to winning.

  • The protagonist's reaction - All of the tributes are pushed towards the lake by the Gamemakers for the final battle.

Detailed chapter-by-chapter plan

Because the hunger games have 27 chapters in total, I will not go through them all as you can find the example within the document, once you download the file. I will go through the first six chapters and hopefully, you will get more of an idea. I will only go through the main plot. The character, character themes and themes are extra and not necessarily needed unless you have a detail in your books you want to add. I barely used these in my plan, until I started writing my books. It is a helpful addition if you want to keep a track of detail in your book.

Act One (Set up)

Ordinary World (Hook)

  • Chapter 1 - Introduction: Set up the protagonist in their ordinary world (day to day life).

Introducing the dystopian world and the Reaping.

  • Chapter 2 - Inciting incident: The inciting incident in Chapter Two is the event or decision that sets your protagonist along their path. The inciting incident is really important – without it, there would be no novel.

Katniss volunteers herself for the Hunger Games to save her sister; if Katniss didn’t volunteer, the rest of the novel would not carry on.

  • Chapter 3 - Immediate reaction: In the third chapter, the protagonist reacts to the inciting incident.

Katniss' family and friends come to say goodbye to her before she leaves for the Games.

1st problems and upcoming 1st major crisis

  • Chapter 4 - Chapter Four is where the protagonist reacts to and reflects on the long-term impacts of the inciting incident.

Katniss reflects on the impact her death would have on her community, especially her mother and sister. Katniss also starts to discuss strategy with Haymitch, her mentor.

  • Chapter 5 - Actions to change the impact: As a result of their reflection in chapter four, the protagonist decides to take action and do something to change their situation in Chapter Five.

Katniss takes her first step towards winning the Games in the parade of tributes. Her fiery dress and attitude win over the crowd.

  • Chapter 6 - 1st crisis build-up: Chapter Six details the immediate consequences of the action the protagonist took in Chapter Five.

Katniss discusses the success of the parade with Haymitch. She also reflects on her past and the difficulty of rebellion.

Interlacing series structure

In the interlacing structure, each book has its own defined beginning, middle, and end. The main conflict in each book is resolved, but the threads of tension do carry on into the next book in the series, sparking another central conflict. Meanwhile, a larger (possibly main) conflict slowly plays out its beginning, middle, and end over the course of the series, with the climax of this plot structure often also serving as the final climax of the last book’s individual conflict. Sometimes, the interlacing plot may completely merge with the individual plot of the third book in the series. 

Of course, you can write it however you like, it does not need to be divided into 3 books. You can write 4, 5, 6, and so on books and it can still be made into a complex arch. I myself am planning to write 4 books in my "Tales of the Souls" series and I will still follow this template. An example can be found within the template


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Well then. I am seeing double after writing all this and desperately need my bed and possibly a good night's sleep. But you can't have it all. If I had one wish, it would be to make it possible for all people in this world to always get a good night's sleep, no matter how many hours they sleep (I mean after all other world's problems were sorted).

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04 oct 2021

This template helped me so much to plan my novel. I have spent all day yesterday plotting. At the moment it's rough, but the imagination just flew out..I love the fact that you have created it in a way that can be used for standalone novel writers, not just series.

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04 oct 2021

I absolutely love this! The template is helpful and written in-dept with all an author needs for a plan. I did appreciate the Hunger Games example too! As a new writer trying to write my first books, help is always needed. Thank you for this!

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Niki Pleva

Author and Blogger

A fantasy author writing her debut novel while blogging about her passions and ideals.

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