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Writing a successful fiction prose part 1: Writing Styles

Hello lovely readers!

Long time no speak, I know. It's been a busy period. Work, travelling and figuring out how to proceed with my life next (and figuring out next to nothing, very typical). But life goes on and I can't be bothered to procrastinate any longer.

As it is the beginning of a new month, I will start with new research. And what is better than research? Well, apart from actually writing and publishing a book, I mean? Nothing is better than research because, without research, nothing would progress in this world.

Now, as you get older you realise that yes, your brain’s stamina is not as it used to be but also if you do not keep refreshing your knowledge, you will stop evolving in your field - no matter what it is - writing, law, accounting, medicine, technology, engineering, architecture, fashion, etc. Perhaps for an author, possibilities are endless and imagination is all that matters and although a novel’s success is all thanks to a reader’s opinion, it is more than that.

For example, language evolves as time goes on. Take, for example, Shakespearean sonnets and how language differs from over 500 years ago and it keeps on developing and it will develop more and more. That is why it’s important to NOT stay in your old ways and progress with your linguistics. However, for theatrical effects, using language to shock is a way to keep your readers on their feet.

I believe that if one plans to become a professional author, one needs to keep up with the ever-changing world. There are some rules which your writing process and your novels need to meet. And no, grammatical errors (unless your books are completely unreadable) are not a rule breaker.

But first, let us start with one of the most important things you should determine when you begin planning your fiction prose. You should start by discovering your writing style and stick with it throughout the whole novel or series. No matter what genre you write in, it is important to know your writing style, as every author does indeed have their own signature style. Why, you ask? So their readers can know their work from far away.


Fiction Writing Styles

Of course, you can say that there are many writing styles out there and every author will develop their own as time goes on. However, I believe it is important to understand that by developing your own writing style; you are highlighting your author’s personality.

You are creating your signature.

You are creating your brand.

Narrative writing

Most new writers will begin their journey focusing on narrative writing as they sail through their stories. It aims to show a reader what happens somewhere and/or with someone and is usually written in 1st person. I would say this is the most basic form of fiction writing style however, it still requires a great sense of imagination.

Descriptive writing

As we get more comfortable with our writing, we move on to the descriptive writing style. This aims to make the reader feel as if they suddenly transformed into the pages of the story. It writes every detailed aspect of the person, their surroundings and/or event. This is a detail-oriented writing style, therefore, it’s important to take regular notes to avoid unnecessary plot holes and plot differences. For example, when you describe a person’s eyes as “ocean blue”, you cannot change them to “emerald green” in the middle of the novel.

Poetic Writing

One of the more advanced fiction writing styles, it uses rhymes to convey the story. It is used to catch the reader off guard and make them think long after the novel is finished. Remember that as with poetry, there are many poetry styles, whether it’s lyrical or free verse, it all works in your favour if used wisely. Please also note, this is one writing style which DOES NOT need to be used all throughout the story.

Creative Writing

Once you become accustomed to writing stories, especially YOUR stories, you will develop your own personal writing style. You will begin to break away from the boring writing structures and start to think outside of the box. Once you are at this stage, you will surprise the reader in ways they did not think possible.

Of course, creative writing is “the art of making things up” and any fiction comes under creative writing. But also, it is a mix of all writing styles and any personal touch you wish to add. It is the easiest and the most advanced at the same time.

It is a paradox.


So, we have covered the basics and now, all we can do is let the time and hard work take us further.

Take care, my lovely readers, I wish you a lovely day and a perfect June 2023!

See you soon!

With Love,

Niki Pleva.

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Niki Pleva

Author and Blogger

A fantasy author writing her debut novel while blogging about her passions and ideals.

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